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ProLite and Pickleball Xtra's New Apparel Partnership with a huge fun Givaway to Celebrate

Keychain Made in America Pickleball Pickleball Apparel Pickleball Keychain Pickleball Xtra ProLite ProLite Paddles ProLite Proud ProLite Sports

ProLite and Pickleball Xtra's New Apparel Partnership with a huge fun Givaway to Celebrate

Pickleball Xtra are SUPER excited to be partnered with the best paddle makers in the USA, ProLite Sports! Be sure to get in on this great offer from ProLite, an awesome free keychain, designed and made by Pickleball Xtra exclusively for ProLite, with the first 1,000 paddles ordered from their website! Check out Pickleball Xtra's super cool apparel range designed for ProLite, too! PROLITE PROUD!! Here is what ProLite had to say..... Pickleball Apparel – Trendy Designs from ProLite and Pickleball Xtra There are tons of pickleball shirts available on web sites and at live events these days. Few though, are...

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